Comparing 2700 with PSIA to APx with Digital Serial Option

Created on 2013-12-17 00:24:00

2700 PSIA and APx Digital Serial Option

For years, many AP customers have relied upon the combination of a Programmable Serial Interface Adapter (PSIA–2722) and an AP SYS–2722 or SYS–2522 for robust analysis of chip-level digital signals such as I2S and TDM lines.

For users of the APx family of audio analyzers, the Digital Serial I/O Option (DSIO) was made available. Based upon the newer, modular architecture that characterizes the entire APx line, DSIO functionality is extendable via updates contained in each new release of the APx500 Measurement Software that powers every APx analyzer.

Some users found the initial DSIO release to be lacking certain desired functions, and continued to rely upon the PSIA–2722. Subsequent updates to APx500 have brought the two systems to parity, with the DSIO now surpassing the PSIA in several key areas, as shown in the document linked below. For example, the DSIO supports independent master clocks, allowing for more flexible testing of sample rate convertors.

If you have used PSIA and are considering migrating to an APx system with DSIO, you’ll find a complete, flexible set of options and capabilities.


Comparison of APx DSIO to PSIA